At Chaos Academy, we train you to crush the chaos in your business to leverage the innovation potential within chaos without allowing chaos to run your day-to-day business off the rails.
Chaos theory states that within the apparent randomness of chaotic complex systems, there are:
underlying patterns,
constant feedback loops,
and self-organization.
We've been researching, mapping, measuring, and crushing chaos for over two decades. Now is the time for us to pass along our findings, wins, and losses with you in the hopes that you can use our hard work to accelerate your success.
Chaos Academy is a space to offer videos, quick-tips, solutions designs, and community for those brave owners and leaders in businesses everywhere.
It isn't logical to think that we can get rid of chaos forever; the only business without some chaos is a dead business. Systems that work perfectly well today will face an unpredictable or new demand at some future point, and that is where chaos seeds get introduced - the sand in the gears kinda thing. All systems are in a constant state of change whether we notice or not. So, at Flourish, we focus on learning how to identify, measure, and respond to chaos so our customers can minimize the impact of chaos on their team, their customers, and their bottom lines.
We are The Flourish Team, and we are here to help you Crush The Chaos in your business!